Saving your mobile data to avoid being capped is probably a goal most users have. So as much as possible, you try to connect to WiFi to avoid using up your allotted data. It’s not just with downloading pictures or music or videos or documents. Most of the time, the culprit are actually apps. So what if you had the choice to just queue up the apps you want to download and install, and restart them when you finally have WiFi?

That’s what Google has in mind as it is beta testing a new feature to selected users. Currently, you get a notice if you’re trying to download a large app, specifically one that’s over 100MB. It will ask you if you want to use Wi-Fi only to “avoid potential delays or extra usage charges” and then you can either proceed with the download, if you really want to have that app or game at that moment, or cancel the download.

But now some users have reported they’re seeing a new option popping up that will allow you to queue the Google Play app that you want to download. You will be asked to choose if you want to continue the download, whether it’s 15MB or 150MB, or if you want to wait until you have WiFi connection. But unlike before where you have to search for the app again, it will resume downloading when you have WiFi.

We’re not yet sure if this is just something they’re testing out and might not do eventually, or if they’re just testing the feature for bugs and such. As it is, you won’t be able to force download it or anything, since it seems to be Google choosing which users will have it. Let’s wait for further developments.

VIA: Android Police


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