Google has silently made a few changes to the page detailing the availability of its different services and digital content. In this round, Google has increased the number of supported countries for both its standard Google Play Music service and its subscription-based All Access to a total of 25.
Google Play Music, the service not the app, lets user store their music in the cloud to be made available across supported devices as well as let them purchase those music. The service was previously available to 21 countries but now those living in Greece, Norway, Slovakia, and Spain can also enjoy the benefits of Google’s music storage and market services.
Google Play Music All Access, on the other hand, takes on subscription-based services like Spotify, allowing users to stream an unlimited number of music in exchange for a monthly fee. Along with Greece, Norway, Slovakia, and Sweden, all four of whom just got access to Google Play Music itself, Germany will be joining the other 20 countries enjoying Google’s streaming offering.
Rollout of Google’s digital services to other countries has been rather slow, with Google having to pass every legal hurdle in each region, particularly those related to licensing and distribution. Nonetheless, the expansion is still happening and we’re looking forward to seeing more countries added to those rosters.
[UPDATE] Along with the addition to Google Play Music, Google has also added a substantial number of countries to its Google Play Movies service. The updated roster now boasts 65 countries, up from the measly 13 it had last year. These new additions include Cambodia, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, New Zealand, and Sweden just to name a few. You can see the complete updated list from the link below.
SOURCE: Google
So blown away that 25 countries in, Canada is not among them