If you use Google Photos to back up your mobile pictures on the cloud, then you’ve probably enjoyed the automatic videos that they sometimes send users, whether it’s a compilation of your photos from a trip, or pictures of your child throughout the years. Now it looks like they’re adding another category to their repertoire: pets! There is no official update which states this, but the fact that several users are reporting seeing this means it’s either they’re testing it out or it’s really a quiet rollout.
One reddit user shared that when he opened his phone, he got a notification from Google Photos saying “Check out Doggie Movie”. It’s actually a video that was auto-generated showing pictures of his dog. They even applied a barking theme song to it, just to emphasize that it’s about a dog. Somes users said that they did it for their casts as well. We’re not sure yet about other pets, but if you have a lot of photos of a certain animal, they will probably auto-generate as well.
This is one of the reasons why Google Photos is one of the best in this category, as it has the ability to recognize objects in the photos so that when you search for a dog, all the pictures with dogs will come out. It can even recognize the different breeds. We’ve seen different auto-generated videos or slideshows, from travel photos to On This Day collections to give you a nostalgic feel (granted, it’s from a year ago), to a party that it recognizes as one event.
What kind of video/slideshow feature will Google think of next? Are there any on your wishlist?
VIA: Phone Arena
Of your pets or for your pets? Lol, I think there is a difference. I imagined a mouse running around for my cat.