How many photos of a certain person do you think you’ll be able to collect over time? If you think just a few hundred or at most a thousand, especially if you’re with that person constantly, apparently users think that’s still too low on average. The Live Albums feature of Google Photos, which was just introduced last October, had a 10,000 limit but it looks like the limit has been doubled after some users requested for more space for their private albums.

If you don’t know yet what a Live Album is, this is a new feature of Google Photos that leverages machine learning to create custom albums of people and even pets that you have a lot of photos of. All you have to do is create an album, add a person or pet to the album and Google will automatically add any photos of that person or pet that you have backed up previously or will upload in the future.

The limit for this private album was 10,000 photos and videos, unlike the shared albums on Google Photos that allows you to upload up to 20,000. You would think that 10,000 was already pretty high but if you have kids or you just like taking a lot of pictures of your loved ones, you’ll not notice that you eventually consume that limit.

There isn’t any official announcement from Google about this change (obviously) but some users spotted that they were still able to add photos even though they’ve exceeded 10,000. And if you look deep into the Google Photos support page, you’ll eventually see that they have indeed raised the limit.

Hopefully, this is enough of a limit for users, unless they eventually exceed the 20,000. In which case, it may be time for a photo intervention.

VIA: Android Police


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