Google has just announced an update to Google Now, it’s intelligent personal assistant system that offers timely and relevant information and recommendations based on the user’s location, schedule and other data. This update brings in new and improved cards that will make Google Now the perfect travel companion and entertainment buddy.

Google Now has new cards that will give reservation details and directions to the nearest car rental service. It also features improved public transit cards to make sure you never miss your train or bus ride. Along with the boarding pass and hotel reservation cards, Google Now ensures that your travel will be more enjoyable and hassle-free.

NCAA football season is almost upon us and so Google has introduced a new card that will help you keep track of your favorite team’s score in real-time. If you have a smart TV, the updated TV card will now also give you more information about the news or the music that’s playing on the TV. And if you’re more of the concert-going type, the new concert ticket card will have your ticket ready when you arrive at the venue and offer relevant websites as well as upcoming events in the same venue.


These new Google Now features are available in the latest version of Google Search on the Play Store for devices with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean or higher. Updates are already rolling out and should hit everyone soon.


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