We had school smart and then street smart. Now, we apparently have Internet smart. And the more kids are exposed to the world wide web and at an increasingly younger age, the more we need to equip them with the correct tools to be able to make smart decisions online. We can’t always be looking over their shoulders while they’re on the Internet, and so Google has developed a program called Be Internet Awesome that will help them become better online citizens and help parents and teachers guide them as well.
Google collaborated with leading online safety experts, namely the Family Online Safety Institute, the Internet Keep Safe Coalition and ConnectSafely. The program is composed of five major lessons with a ton of resources to help kids learn and even master these skills as their online world continues to grow.
* Be Internet Smart: Share with care
* Be Internet Alert: Don’t fall for fake
* Be Internet Strong: Secure your secrets
* Be Internet Kind: It’s cool to be kind
* Be Internet Brave: When in doubt, talk it out
The lessons for the kids are presented in the form of an interactive, online game called Interland so they wouldn’t feel like they’re actually having a lesson. The web-based and free game lets kids explore an imaginary land where they have to fight against hackers, phishers, oversharers, and cyberbullies. Educators will have a classroom curriculum for all five lessons, which includes plans, activities, and worksheets aligned with the International Society for Technology in Education’s Standards for Students.
Even parents and guardians, or rather especially parents and guardians, should also be involved in this and Google has come up with a video series called #BeInternetAwesomeChallenge, featuring YouTube creators like John Green, the What’s Inside Family, and MinutePhysics. There’s also the Be Internet Awesome Pledge that the whole family can sign “to stay smart, alert, strong, kind and brave online.”
SOURCE: Google