Android Auto – the smart driving assistant is steadily gaining popularity as a companion that lets people remain focused, connected, and entertained through commutes. To make it more useful, Google is working with developers behind parking, navigation, and electric vehicle charging apps to create the Android for Car App Library.

Google released the open beta version of the library for developers to use back in October. Now it is allowing developers to publish their “apps to closed testing” in Google Play Store. Through this period, Google tracked the feedback it received via the “issue tracker” and says it was helpful to “improve and clarify things.”

According to a recent blog post on the Android Developers Google Blog, the search engine giant is now “ready to take the next step in delivering great in-car experiences.” It is expanding the Android Auto app ecosystem to enable the new parking, navigation, and electric vehicle charging apps.

Per Google’s blog, submitting your apps to closed testing is a great way to get some feedback. Developers can, through feedback they receive, know how well their app meets the Play Store’s app quality guidelines.

It also gets the real-time in-car experience in front of the early Android Auto users. Testing the app will let you fix the technical or user experience issues with least impact on the performance of the app once officially released for Google Play.


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