Google has been working on Blockly the past five years, allowing more developers to build projects with an open source library. Blockly offers block-based coding that can be easier, faster, and with more functions. Many devs have used the tool already for different platforms such as the MIT App Inventor,, littleBits, and other app creation tools.
The Google developers have finalized the Blockly 1.0 for both Android and iOS. This means you can make the most of Blockly to utilize in mobile apps you are working on. Version 1.0 includes a number of features such as code generation in JavaScript, PHP, Lua, Python, and Dart.
There’s also support for internationalization so you can include RTL languages. You can now use the standard UI for Blockly including its layouts, toolbox categories, custom blocks, functions, mutators, layouts, and variables. Cross platform development is also made easier. To allow block definitions to be used for mobile or web, you can define the blocks by JSON.
This version is only for mobile but the web version is also being updated. If you frequent Blockly on the web, you may notice some improvements already such as an enhanced touch support, better Internet Explorer and Edge support, improvement testing and performance, and additional APIs.
SOURCE: Google Developers Blog