Another accessory that Google introduced during their press event today is a tiny thing that you can place around wherever you want to capture “spontaneous” moments and save it for posterity. Google Clips is a camera lens that works with the newly-introduced Pixel 2 devices. Based on the videos released, the intention for this small camera is to get photos and videos of your kids and pets and let them (well, at least the kids) use it too.

Google Clips has a small built-in stand that also serves as a clip so you can basically put it anywhere that you want so it can capture those moments that your camera smartphone sometimes can’t catch. It has an artificial intelligence engine within its tiny frame and uses machine learning to see who is often in your pictures and videos and what kind of moments you usually capture. The more you use it, the more it will suggest which are the best moments for you.

For now, you’ll be able to view the media through your Pixel 2 device but we will probably see it integrated with other Google or Android devices soon. It has a rechargeable battery that should last you a few hours but you will need to charge it every once in a while. Videos show both indoor and outdoor use so where you use it shouldn’t be an issue.

Other than that, no specific specs are currently available so we’ll have to wait for a few more announcements or press releases. But it will be available “soon” and will cost you $249.

VIA: SlashGear


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