Without making any major official announcements, it seems that Google is slowly pushing out the Google Cast branding for its consumer products and instead, they are referring to the technology found in its various products like TVs and internet-connected speakers as having “Chromecast built-in”. The new branding officially starts by 2017 but as early as now, you will start not seeing the specific name when it comes to devices that are compatible with the Chromecast streaming adapters.

Google has confirmed that they are indeed switching to the “Chromecast built-in” branding by next year “to help users identify the technology that they’ve come to enjoy and appreciate.” But basically, nothing has really changed, just the branding. This has been happening ever since Google introduced Google Home, their answer to the Amazon Echo which is also integrated with Chromecast. Even painter brands like Vizio, Toshiba, and Philips have also started changing the language when pertaining to their cast-enabled TVs.

Even more telling is the fact that the official Twitter account of Google Cast has now been renamed @chromecast. The websites are also adapting to the changes, with Google.com/Cast saying that it is “also known as Chromecast built-in.” However, the Android TV website still uses it by its old name, meaning Google Cast.

This doesn’t mean that the name Google Cast will be gone forever. In fact, it will be used for a set of developer technologies to help publishers turn their apps cast-compatible and ready. But as for the consumer-branding, we’ll have to get used to “Chromecast built-in”.

VIA: Variety



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