When it comes to video conference calls, even if you have top-notch video quality, when the audio is bad, it practically defeats the purpose. Google knows how important sound is to businesses that regularly hold these types of calls. One thing they’ve done is to acquire Limes Audio, a company that specializes in creating technology to enhance voice communication systems. G Suite customers will soon be able to enjoy the benefits of having better sounding video conference calls.

G Suite uses several video conferencing solutions like Chromebox for Meetings and Google Hangouts. And while they probably have pretty decent audio already, Google believes it’s extremely important to bring “great audio experience”. This is especially important for companies that let their employees tele-commute or who have offices or customers located in different cities or even countries. Low-cost, high quality audio is critical for these kinds of communications, whether it’s video or just normal audio conference calls.

Limes Audio has been a solid name when it comes to creating innovations in the voice communication systems. They have come up with solutions that eliminate distracting background noise, distortion and echoes that can actually adversely affect these online video and telephony meetings.

Google hasn’t yet announced whatever it is that Limes Audio will be adding to G Suites and other Google solutions, except to say that they are excited to work closely with the team they’re acquiring to bring the “best online voice quality” that will be available in the market.

SOURCE: Google


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