One of the big draws of casual mobile gaming is that you can play anytime you want, however short or long the time is. Casual games don’t require that much commitment from the player, that’s why they’re so convenient for mobile users. But when you go into the RPG genre, player and time commitment ramps up, and most people just don’t have the time. Enter EZ PZ RPG, the RPG game that basically plays itself.
It’s no joke. R2Games basically got going making browser games, but they do have some mobile apps. This one is called EZ PZ RPG, conspicuously looking like a jumble of capital letters, but it’s one of those games that needs very little attention. In fact, that’s what it’s selling. It seems to be a full-fledged RPG – with classes, loot, dungeons, and even a full crafting system – just that it doesn’t need you to play it.
Initially, you get to pick your class and playing style, but the game just keeps on going even when you stop playing. You can come back to it when you feel like it – expect a ton of loot, of course – you can change your character’s weaponry and armor, maybe do some dungeon crawling for a bit. When you get bored, just stop playing – because the game doesn’t stop, it plays for you.
One thing you can say about it, there are not a lot of games that will do this for you. It’s a full pledged RPG that will play even when you’re not playing it. Come back to it if and when you are able. Yes, it has come to this. Will you play this?
DOWNLOAD: Google Play Store
Think you mean”full-fledged”. Other than that the game is fun. It does fight battles on it’s own ala Progress Quest, but at the same time let’s you also when logged in manage a lot of things.. So you can really get absorbed in it.
This isn’t that shallow of a game. There are other things like arena a pseudo battle grounds crafting (smelting) as mentioned npc allies (up to 3?) you get to fight with you once you hit certain levels and guilds you can join or create..
Thanks for the catch. Updated now.