Essential Phone Reddit AMA

Another Reddit AMA session was held this week. This is the fourth session already since the first one last September. The Essential Phone team said this Ask-Me-Anything session will happen every other week. Here we are again but this time, the discussion is more focused on the new Android version. Android 8.0 is ready for the Essential Phone but we have yet to test its power. Perhaps some more questions and answers will give us an idea how the smartphone, Andy Rubin’s new baby, is faring.

Read on some of the top issues covered and explained:

• Someone asked if Android Oreo delivers a connectivity code that could help with some connection problems. RF/service issues are being looked at already. Improvements can be expected but everything still depends on the network the device is on, specific bands in use, as well as, one’s distance to towers. So far, the problem noted by the Essential team comes from those connected to an advanced network.

• Taking photos result to images with at least 4MB in size. That is large for some people using a phone camera because storage space can be a problem. There is still the issue of scrolling and the Oreo update still doesn’t fix the issue. Essential responded by saying Portrait mode is on its way and will be out before the year is over. The scrolling issue is still being reviewed.

• There are some problems with swiping on some areas on the screen. This issue is actually caused by the in-cell touch panel reporting data during display blanking period as explained by the company’s VP of Software (Rebecca).

• When asked if the kernel source for Oreo will be released during the beta and if GitHub will be used, the answer was kernel sources weren’t released but they are still available.

• One Essential Phone user shared that he wasn’t receiving any text messages on his phone on Sprint. It’s not an isolated case and Essential is already working with the mobile carrier to fix the problem.

• As for the target release date of the Oreo public build, it will happen before 2017 ends. Hopefully, the next Oreo build will already be the official release.

VIA: Reddit


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