The ES File Explorer is one of the most popular and useful apps on the Play Store. It has received numerous updates the past years and some features were made available recently. We even shared with you tips and tricks on how to properly manage files with the ES File Explorer including hiding files and folders from the untrained eyes, Android’s eyes, turning apps into APKs, and transferring files over WiFi in a snap.

The ES File Explorer has always been known for being a reliable productivity app. Users of the app benefit from all the features like the go-to file manager, special tools, built-in web browser, recommended apps, and junk cleaner notifications. However, most of features added can be considered bloatware because they’re not really important or useful to the users. And so the developer decided to just released the ES File Explorer Pro sans the bloat. This means unnecessary elements are removed.

A bloatware-free paid app is definitely more useful–making it more attractive to the users. In this case, the free app may appear to have more features but who needs all those? They can be confusing so even a paid and simpler-to-use app is more enticing than ever. The more people attracted to the paid app, the more downloads, and then the more money for the developer.

The premium version didn’t just remove the bloat, it now comes with more customization options. Feel free to set default Windows and start page on your phone. Instead of the usual directory, you can set a special homepage according to your preferences.

Download ES File Explorer Pro from the Google Play Store

VIA: Android Police


  1. You appear to have missed the fact that the bloat seems to have been added to the free version *so* that the Pro version can exist…


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