For those who are trying to find a well-balanced digital and real life, the Digital Wellbeing tools that Google introduced a couple of years ago have been really helpful. They did eventually roll it out to other Android devices aside from their own Pixel smartphones. The latest update to this suite hasn’t really brought anything new but it did have a significant change in terms of a name an icon. Wind Down mode is now called Bedtime Mode and Focus Mode gets a new icon.
The new changes to Digital Wellbeing aren’t very significant but it does change a few minor things, specifically for Wind Down. It has now been renamed to Bedtime Mode since most of the things the tool can do is related anyway to you going to bed and getting ready to sleep. These tools and options include turning your screen to grayscale, turning on a Night Light, and activating a Do Not Disturb mode.
But 9 to 5 Google says this change also has some effect on the Quick Settings menu. There is no more dedicated grayscale tool there but the Bedtime Mode is configurable anyway so you will still be able to to flip the grayscale mode on from there even if you’re not turning Bedtime Mode on during the day. The revamped timer settings are still in the Bedtime Mode so you can easily manage when and how long you need the mode to be turned on.
The other minor change to the Digital Wellbeing update is for the Focus Mode, which lets you restrict access to some apps and mute notifications during a certain period of the day. Previously, its icon was just a blue circle with a white circle in the middle. Now the icon has been changed to a circle inside what looks like a pair of parentheses. There’s no other effect of the change to the mode itself, but it’s there.
The update to the Digital Wellbeing suite is now rolling out to users. Hopefully, it can also roll out to more, older Android devices soon.