The Dell Streak may have been a new commodity here in the States, with a recent roll-out, but it’s been in Europe for a little while now. That doesn’t really help those in Asia-Pacific, though. If you’re in that neck of the woods, and you’ve been eager to get your hands on one, the only real option would be to buy one unlocked in Europe, which also entails the full retail price. But, it may pay off to be a bit patient, as a Dell executive has just provided a little insight into the release of the tablet/MID for that market.
According to Steve Felice, President of Dell’s Small and Medium business unit, the Dell Streak doesn’t have any official plans for a release in Asia right now, but it will soon. In fact, he expects to see the device in Asia by the beginning of 2011. The price and release date, and specific carrier options weren’t mentioned, but considering it was just a phone call with reporters, it’s lucky we got anything at all.
[via PC World]