YouTuber ‘Modded Gamers’ aka Redditor sdaddy345 recently filed a counter-claim against the South Korean tech giant who had one of his videos taken down that painted the Galaxy Note 7 as an explosive. He posted a Grand Theft Auto V mod video that featured the Galaxy Note 7 used as a “bomb” and apparently, received the ire of Samsung.

Sdaddy345 was frustrated because he said the video was his own. He made it and did not copy from anyone else so there should be no copyrights violation. He shared what happened on Reddit and soon, tech sites have started featuring his story. One good result is more traffic for his channel on YouTube.

That’s good news but ‘Sdaddy345’ wants his video back online so he contacted YouTube thru email. He then shared their correspondence. The top video sharing site said they would review the counter claim. Soon enough, the video is back up just the next day.

Google seemed to have listed and replied that the “complaint lacks one or more legally-required elements of a copyright takedown notice”. Google then asked the other party, Samsung, to “provide additional information to complete their notice. Now that’s double burn (pun intended) for Samsung. We’re not sure why YouTube deleted it in the first place upon the request of Samsung but at least the video is back again. Sorry, Samsung.



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