The CyanogenMod team has let out an early gift for lovers of the popular custom ROM. Now available for as much as 50 devices is the latest CyanogenMod 11 M3 snapshot, bringing with it couple of new and interesting end user features.
In this round, the developers are focusing on more user-visible functionality that aims to improve the overall user experience. One particular new feature has been added to Privacy Guard that will allow users to have fine-grained control over which apps will autostart when the device is turned on. Privacy is also being given more importance by putting it as a top-level Settings category of its own. A “+” button has been added to the QuickSettings panel to make it easier to customize your most used switches and options.
Also debuting in this release is a new and improved Trebuchet, CyanogenMod’s homescreen launcher. This new version has been rebased on Android 4.4’s Launcher3 code and has also seen an improvement of its icon pack support. Users updating to this M3 release need not worry about their settings as long as they have been using the older Trebuchet or Launcher3. The new Trebuchet will try its best to save and migrate the old settings to the new version as seamlessly as it can.
CyanogenMod is also letting slip a few teasers of things it has planned for the coming months. The team is currently looking at the Google Now, formerly Nexus 5, Launcher for inspiration for future Trebuchet features. Lefties and ambidextrous users will also have something to look forward to in the next release as the developers roll out left-handed navigation bar support. CM11 M3 is now available through the built-in updater and as downloadable images, but users taking the flashing route are advised to update their recovery to the latest version if one is available.
SOURCE: CyanogenMod