Cyanogen OS12 hasn’t arrived yet for the OnePlus One devices (and any other smartphones/tablets that will be carrying it) but it doesn’t mean we can’t have a preview of what to expect from it. Customization seems to be playing a big part in this updated OS, and this time around, they’re giving us a peek at something called an App Themer which should make people who love changing themes on their devices a lot really happy.
If you’ve ever had a theme that went perfectly well with your entire smartphone except for that one app, chances are you’d prefer to change the whole theme rather than have that one funky looking app. But if you will have Cyanogen OS 12, this problem will be solved because of the App Themer. You can choose a theme for every app that you have, preview it first, then apply it if you think it works. There is no limit to the number of apps that you can change the theme for, as long as you’ve launched the App Themer icon.
If you feel like the free themes that come with the OS are still not enough, you will also now be able to purchase different kinds of themes. All you need is to have a Google Play Account and a linked credit card for the payments. This will make the customization of app themes even more fun.
Cyanogen OS 12 will soon be available for OnePlus One devices. The App Themer will be included in the update. It will also be included already in future devices that will be carrying the updated OS12.