The New Tab page of the Chrome browser has become more than just a way for users to open a new tab. Google has brought several “modules” to it that are tied into other Google products. Soon you will be able to see another new function there: your Google Photos’ Memories section. If you are a heavy Photos user, you don’t have to always open the app to see new Memories come up as you will be able to see them whenever you open a New Tab on the browser.
Chrome Story shares that Google is now working on this new feature for the Chrome browser that will let you see your Google Photos Memories on the New Tab page. This comes after they recently added a memories widget for the app on Android devices. This time around, you don’t need to install any new app or widget if you’re already using Chrome anyway. You can already test the feature bu enabling the flag on the Canary version of the browser.
Basically the feature will surface the Memories from your Google Photos on the New Tab. This way you don’t have to wait for the notification that you have new memories or even go to your Google Photos app itself and just browse them from Chrome. You’ll probably still have to go to Photos though when you want to browse the rest of the memories based on the screenshots shared. But at least you know your app has refreshed your Memories just by seeing it in the New Tab.
The other “modules” that you can see on the New Tab Page on your Chrome browser include Discover, which shows you articles based on your search history and your preferences. Google also recently integrated your Google Drive files there although it’s still hidden under a flag in the Canary version. We can expect both the Drive and the Photos integration in the stable version eventually if all goes well.
Adding modules to the Chrome browser is part of Google’s goal to make the browser become a gateway for its other services. This doesn’t sit well with regulators and competitors though as they believe it violates anti-trust policies and they’re using their dominant position to push their products over that of their rivals.