The second season of The Mandalorian just ended (no spoilers, we promise) and if you already find yourself missing Baby Yoda, you now have a way to bring him to wherever you are. No, we’re not talking about stuffed toys or Funko Pops (although those would be cool too). You can have The Child for free and all you need is your smartphone that supports augmented reality and Google. The latest “creature” to join Google’s 3D model with AR experience is the fan-favorite cutest character on Disney+’ s hit show.
Similar to the dinosaurs, dogs, skeletons, and other items that Google has added to this experience, all you need to do is search for it on your Google app or Chrome mobile browser. You can type in Baby Yoda, The Child, or its actual name as we learned in Chapter 14 of The Mandalorian, Grogu. You’ll see an info panel about him and the option to view it in 3D and you’ll get a 3D model of arguably the cutest Star Wars character ever.
And of course, you can play around with the AR version of Grogu by tapping “See Grogu in your space” and placing him anywhere in your living room or wherever you are. You can even place him next to your actual child and see him staring at your kid with his cute, big eyes and your child wondering why you’re cooing at him over and over. Grogu also comes with sound effects of him cooing and gurgling.
This 3D model with AR on Google has given us a lot of fun picture-taking and sometimes informative experiences. We’ve seen the tech giant add several interesting ones the past few months including body parts to help your kids understand anatomy and biology and the latest one added 50 more animals that you can see in 3D and bring to your space. We can expect more to come as Google wants to make AR more accessible to users.
As for Grogu, we’re seeing a lot of people posting about where they are putting the adorable creature, possible-future-Jedi, so join the fun. All you need is to pull up the Google app or search for it in Chrome and make sure your device is AR-enabled.