Google is aware that the Android system isn’t exactly the safest platform in the mobile world today. The tech giant is careful though in making sure bugs are acknowledged and fixed. The reason why bugs during beta must be reported is because Google devs want them to squashed immediately and before the public release. Android believes in transparency and openness as revealed earlier at Google I/O 2018 during the Android security session. Releasing an Android Security Bulletin is only one way to keep things safe and secure but it’s also important the Android team is transparent with issues.
The Android team is honest enough to report anything whether news, features, updates, enhancements. Every year, an Android Security Year in Review is released. To make reporting more up-to-date, an Android Ecosystem Security Transparency Report will be made public every quarter.
Such report can provide insights into how security, privacy, and access to information are affected by policies. It includes information on how a Google Play Protect scan is frequently done.
Google Play Protect can detect a device with PHAs (Potentially Harmful Applications), scanning some 50 billion mobile apps every day. It warns an Android user or phone owner that a PHA within a device is possible but should be removed or disabled right away. Interestingly, the transparency report covers rates and downward trends.
SOURCE: Google Security Blog