Amazon Freetime has been pretty useful for both parents and kids as it offers a curated mix of books, videos, educational apps, games, and websites that the young ones can safely browse through. Now Amazon is giving parents even more material to work with as it introduces a Parents Dashboard so you can be up to date with what your kids are consuming from the service. It also now comes with Discussion Cards to help enhance the experience from the digital space to the real world.
It’s not just enough to let your kids loose on all the kid-friendly content that can be found on FreeTime. Parents still need to monitor what they’re watching or reading not just to check if they are indeed kid-friendly but also to connect with whatever it is they’re into. The Parents Dashboard is a mobile optimize website that will give you daily activity reports to see all the digital content that they’re consuming. It will also let you manage the time that they spend on FreeTime and also set some educational goals to make what they consume have more purpose.
And to help parents connect with kids, Amazon is also introducing Discussion Cards which can be found on the Parents Dashboard. It gives you not just summary of the book or video or app that your kid is reading or watching, but it also gives you suggestions as to what questions to ask or what topics to discuss to further their learning (and yours as well). It will also give you real-world suggestions for you to experience as a family.
Amazon FreeTime is available as a free app or as a paid subscription (for FreeTime Unlimited). While using the app or service, kids cannot go on social media and they also cannot make in-app purchases so no worries on additional charges. Parents Dashboard and Discussion Cards are also now available for free.
SOURCE: Amazon