So you’re the sort of person that likes a custom experience on your Android phone, but you don’t necessarily like to hack, yes? You’re in luck, as there’s one fantastic app that does such a thing and it requires absolutely no rooting, ROM using, or tinkering in the least bit (unless you consider searching through all the new options you’ll have to be tinkering.) This home screen replacement app is called ADW Launcher EX, and it’s beem updated this weekend to version 1.2.2, a version that, in addition to all the fantastic features it’s had in the past, now has a large selection of 8 nice looking custom docks, plus a few more minor (but neato) changes as well.
In addition to the new dock options, you can now:
• Disabling of elements and reordering by drag and drop can now be accessed in the reorderable main menu [ADWSettings/General behavior/System settings].
• A slightly choppy (fixed soon, we suppose) transparency support for the 4D drawer.
• When using transparent background in the 4D app drawer there is now a show black fading edges option.
• Support for CUSTOM images for hidden dockbar and dock.
• Ability to change drawer icons text colors.
• Menu/Lock now locks app drawer too.
• Old style previews when statusbar was hidden FIXED
• Fancy background transparency issues FIXED
• Force Closes FIXED
• Various stability and code improvements added.
Go grab this app in the market, it costs a few bucks, and it’s completely worth it all day, all week, all year long.
BONUS: ADW Launcher EX has a plethora of custom themes whipped up by adventurous collaborators, one of them being called “Tron Legacy Pro ADW Theme.” This theme is totally amazing and is the most well put together and nice looking Tron-related setups we’ve seen for Android. It costs $1 and requires ADW Launcher EX to work, and has just been updated to version 1.3 a couple days ago and has just added a bunch more custom icons and a search widget, all of this totally Tron intensive. Light lines everywhere.
[Via Android Marketplace]
Hacking mobile some times make fail. Nice apps..
No rooting. That’s what I like!