Yesterday we showed you some images of what we were hearing was the new CyanogenMod mascot to replace the old Andy bugdroid. Apparently those designs were only a few of many and now we have the final verdict. The image below is one of two new images to represent CyanogenMod as a brand, and a mature OS. Meet Cid.
I’m sure you all loved the skateboarding Android we’ve come to love, and the CM7 boot animation was my favorite to date but with all things, change is inevitable. Over on the CyanogenMod Blog they discuss the changes and their reasoning behind it. This is Cid and it stands for CyanogenMod ID. They’ve taken the bugdroid and made it a humanoid instead. Some might say this looks too human, but I sort of like it.
During the blog post the team mentions they want CM to be seen as more than just a “stock Android on a zillion devices.” Instead they want it to be seen for what it is — and that is a mature and evolving Android OS that is on the bleeding edge of Android development. Creating a new logo or mascot that will represent CM as a brand and OS that doesn’t reply on Google’s own creation seems like a great idea, and I understand what they are aiming for here.
As CyanogenMod continues to grow, especially CM9 you can expect to see more of this new Cid in roms, maybe on a boot animation and more — unless this is just a late April fools joke. So what say you readers. Do you love the new mascot, or hate it? Check out more Cid creations by clicking here.