If it’s always been one of your greatest wishes to be able to play your Steam games away from your console or your computer and whenever you want to, then the arrival of the then-called Steam Link Anywhere was probably an answered prayer. But of course it started out in beta and so there were some limitations and probably some things they needed to fix as well. The good news now is that it’s out of beta and is now available for more than 200 kinds of Android devices.

According to Android Police, the app which is now called just Steam Link for Android is officially out of beta and is available as a stable version. The app allows you to stream your Steam games from your PC onto your Android smartphone or tablet, or even your Android TV. When it was first launched, you had to be on the same WiFi network to be able to stream it. But now you don’t need to be and you can use any of the 200 Android devices that it supports to play the games that you want to play when you’re mobile or on a bigger screen.

As for the requirements that you need for this to work, of course your computer needs to be running Steam and it needs to be running on Windows 7 or higher, Mac OS X 10.10 or higher, or SteamOS. Your Android device needs to be running on Android 5.0 and higher. And though it’s not required you have a controller, it’s still highly recommended or else you’ll have to rely on touchscreen gameplay. You can use the Steam Controller or the Microsoft Xbox One S controller although other devices might also work.

There aren’t any new features that they added to the update aside from the fact that it’s now out of beta and that more Android devices can use it. But expect Steam to be adding more things to the app, depending on how users are responding to it and how they are actually using it.

If you already have the Steam Link app, update it to the latest version and you’ll see that Anywhere has disappeared and that you can play it anywhere you want.


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