Crowd-sourced mapping and friend-finder app Navizon has released a new version for Android devices, and now users can earn cash rewards for logging WiFi access points and cell towers. The new app – a free download from the Android Market – supports friend groups for Latitude-style tracking, as well as a record of where you’ve travelled.
There’s also live mapping, and the ability to set alerts when you move into a specific location – handy if you need to remind yourself to buy something when you’re near the relevant shop. Support for the people-finder tool Navimote is also baked in.
Still, it’s probably the cash reward scheme that most users will be interested in, as Navizon attempts to boost its database by crowd-sourcing new information. You get 15 points for each new cell tower and 3 points for each new WiFi base station you log (or 2 points for a known cell tower and 1 point for a known WiFi station), all done automatically, and when you reach 10,000 points you can swap it for $15 in cash (via PayPal).
[via Twitter]