Android Security Bulletin for June 2019 is now ready. The Android team has posted the latest release that contains problems and security vulnerabilities that may affect Android devices. The newest 2019-06-05 security patch level can address all the available issues so we suggest you get the new version lest you want your phone open to attacks. The source code patches will be out soon on the AOSP but you can always manually check your device settings. The most critical of the issues is a security vulnerability in Media framework that could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code.
To be honest, there are no reports yet of the said abuse or any active customer exploitation. It is simply advisable that you get the latest security updates–just to be sure.
Mobile and security enhancements include Android and Google service mitigations. The Google Play Protect is a perfect example that could fight exploitations on Android.
Users can be warned about Potentially Harmful Applications even before they do damage to the system. Check your Google Mobile Services and see if it is enabled. If not, you may want to enable it especially if you like installing apps from outside.
This release also means the Pixel Update Bulletin is updated to June 2019. Even the Essential Phone is getting a related update. Android 9.0 with the latest Google Security Patches is now ready for the Essential Phone.
For other Google-branded devices, the Nexus and Pixel devices are ready to receive Full OTA Images. The update packages can allow the users to restore your Pixel or Nexus phone’s firmware to original factory settings.
The slice of Pie makes the Android phone “smarter, simpler, and more powerful”. No doubt about that because of the major improvements and new features available, that when combined, create a more beautiful result.