It’s that time of the year again when Instagram-ready cherry blossoms are falling all over Japan and most of us who aren’t there are dying of envy (well, if you love pink flowers that is). B&O wants to celebrate Sakura season by releasing the third product in its Special Edition Collection. The Beoplay E8 Powder Pink doesn’t just bring you the color of the pale pink blossoms of the yoshino cherry tree, but also an “industry-leading sound and a seamless listening experience” through its quality earbuds.
Design-wise, if you’re a fan of the color pink, then these earbuds would really appeal to you. Aside from having the powder pink hues, it also softens the anodized aluminum and leather details. And since it also comes from Bang & Olufsen, a trusted name when it comes to audio equipment, you know you can expect a “rich, full-bodied, and precise soundstage” so you can listen to your music, podcasts, and videos in excellent quality.
You can get four hours of music in just one charge and because of the pocket-friendly leather charging case that comes with it, you can get two additional charges from it. Just click the earbuds onto the case and it will power it down and start charging since it has built-in small magnets into each earphone. You also get five ear tips and a charging cable when you purchase the earbuds.
The Beoplay E8 Powder Pink earbuds are now available worldwide in Bang & Olufsen stores and with selected retailers in Tokyo, Kyoto, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore and Australia. It retails for $299.
SOURCE: Beoplay