More changes will happen to Alexa. Amazon’s very own smart voice assistant may receive an important update soon as the top e-commerce website is believed to be thinking of making Alexa able to translate from one language to another. The company is said to be exploring ways for Alexa to be a real-time universal language translator that may be very useful to many people across different cultures, countries, and languages. That’s a nice goal but we’re curious as to how it will happen or if it can ever be achieved.
Alexa can already translate basic terms and phrases in German, French, Italian, and Spanish but Amazon wants to improve on the system. The ability to translate may be enhancedas the feature becomes even more intelligent. The idea is for Alexa to be able to hear and listen to a conversation and then translate the words to make sense. It can already do the basic but it still has potential to become smarter.
Amazon appears to be ambitious when it comes to Alexa. It’s not exactly the most popular today as it directly rivals the Google Assistant but it has a following and a market. It can answer many questions, start many tasks, and provides important details. Someday, we’re hoping it will hold a more intelligent and more natural conversation with the translation included as one of Alexa’s skills.
There are millions of people depending on Alexa for their everyday smart needs. This is according to eMarketer who reported that since the first time Amazon Echo was launched, tens of millions of Alexa devices have been purchased. Google Pixel Buds has a similar feature and obviously work with a Google Assistant.
VIA: Yahoo Finance