What happens when you allow developers from more nationalities to sell their content in the Play Store? Well, more diversity happens, and more apps become relevant to more localities. This is why we should celebrate that developers from Bangladesh and South Africa are now able to sell their apps via the Google Play Store.

For the longest time, developers from Bangladesh and South Africa were not allowed to sell their apps in Play Store. They could only upload free to download apps. There was a “workaround” to this, so they can trick the system into accepting their apps – which is basically go through a middleman who can create a merchant account for them in countries where they are allowed to do it.

As of today, developers in Bangladesh and South Africa can now apply for merchant accounts so they can sell their apps in the Play Store. The apps from South Africa will be sold in their local ZAR currency, while the apps in Bangladesh will be sold for US dollars.

The effect here is that more apps can be available for users in these countries that are relevant to their environment, context, and culture. That just makes the Play Store more robust in every way – so yay for these updates.

VIA: Android Police


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