The time has already come when it’s pretty glaring that Bixby’s voice activated function still hasn’t launched in English speaking countries. Initial reports were saying that this was due to some grammar and syntax difficulties that the Korean OEM has been facing when it comes to the English language. But a spokesman for the company has admitted that it’s the lack of big data that is slowing down the process and inevitably the launch outside of South Korea.

For anyone who has a basic knowledge of Artificial Intelligence, big data is the major key to deep learning technology. As with any of the AI-powered speakers and apps right now, the more someone uses the technology, the better it is for the service and its improvement. But it seems that the beta test among US consumers didn’t go as well as expected due to not so good results when it comes to responding to requests and questions.

There was also reportedly some difficulties in communications between the engineers from Samsung in California (Samsung Research America) and the HQ itself in Korea. The progress has been slower due to the geographical and language barriers, as well as the constant reporting and information exchange from across the ocean.

Industry watchers are predicting that the English version of Bixby will eventually be launched this fall. It is actually predicted to be the second largest voice assistant by the year 2021, second only to Google Assistant. Well, if they fail to launch anytime this year, that may change eventually.

VIA: Korea Herald



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