One of the most annoying things that can happen when you’re in a movie theater or a library or anywhere you’re supposed to be quiet is having someone answer a call and then proceed to talk loudly. That nightmare scenario almost became a reality for commercial flights as a proposal to allow voice calls during flights was started back in 2013. Thank goodness that the Federal Communications Chairman is trying to halt this proceeding, calling the plan “ill-conceived” and wanting to preserve as much peace and quiet we can get at 30,000 feet.

Back in 2013, there was a proposal to relax the rule of using cellphones on commercial flights. While you can actually use your mobile device, you cannot make voice calls while on the flight. But FCC Chairman Ajit Pai issued an order that would stop said proposal from moving forward. His statement said that he stands with other people (including pilots, flight attendants, and the flying public in general) in going against this “ill-conceived 2013 plan”.

He emphasized that allowing people to take and make calls in flight is actually going against public interest. Most people who ride on planes actually look forward to that rare moment of peace and quiet (well except if there are chattering passengers or crying babies of course) in between the take off and landing.

While the FCC and Pai himself are not strangers to controversies, this statement may be something that everyone can get behind as it benefits most of us. But there’s no news yet if this is the last we’ll see of this proposal.



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