If you have an Android Wear smartwatch and you’re into lifting weights either for fitness purposes or as an actual competing athlete, then you might want to download this new app called Rithmio EDGE. Simply put, this app will help you keep track of all your stats and data from your workout, both through automatic detection and also through manual input, in case you would want more specific information. The app is now available through the Google Play Store and you might want to download it first before you start your next workout.

Through your smartwatch’s sensors, the app will be able to detect when you’re lifting weights and then keep track of and record the number of repetitions you’ve made. You can pull up all this information later on if you want to see how far you’ve come or how much you still need to improve on. Fitness routines like weightlifting requires careful monitoring and so this app will come in pretty handy for you.

But if you don’t trust automatic detection, you can also manually input the information before and after your weight training or weight lifting sessions. You can choose what kind of specific exercise you’re doing, how heavy the weights are, plus other important data that your smartwatch may not be able to detect. You need to use the app a lot in order to not just see your progress but also to see if what you’re doing is right, if you’re targeting the right muscle group, if you’re not overdoing it, etc.

You can download the Rithmio EDGE app from the Google Play Store for free. Of course, you need to have a smartwatch running on Android Wear to be able to use this app.

VIA: SlashGear


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