Some are predicting it’s going to be a bot world in the near future, with us not having to leave our messaging app of choice to look for various items or to perform specific tasks. Telegram is one app that has been way ahead of the bot game as compared to its peers, having release a bot platform in June of last year. But now they’re bringing the Bot 2.0 platform, as well as redesigning its Android app.

Bot 2.0 has added a lot of new features that developers can play around with, like the ability to build bots that can send different types of content, like mp3s, documents, videos, stickers, animations, and contacts. It will also now be able to add support for location-based services, as well as deeply integrate with different other services through the user’s contact number. There are also now inline keyboards so it can be easily paired with a specific bot’s messages so you just need to tap on predetermined buttons. You wouldn’t need to type out specific instructions anymore.

Telegram has four sample bots that developers and users can play around with to see the new features: @music can search and share classical music; @youtube is obviously for looking for Youtube videos; @foursquare so you can find and share nearby restaurants; and @sticker which will let you search for the appropriate (or inappropriate) sticker, starting with emojis.

Meanwhile, the Androi app itself has also been redesigned, with the chat screen having a new look for your messaging pleasure. The colors are also now more vibrant (or dull if you want it to look like that), buttons, message bubbles, and progress bars also look different and better. Documents and other attachments also now have a new look to make it easier to attach and send them. The update should already be rolling out starting today.

SOURCE: Telegram (1), (2)


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