It may have taken Yahoo a while to give Yahoo Mail some Material Design lovin’ but looks like the company is doing it very well now. Another update was released a couple of months ago that included that password-free ‘Yahoo Account Key’. This new round of updates allows you to manage your Gmail account right on your Yahoo Mail. How is that possible? Well, the Yahoo developers made it possible.

Yahoo Mail is now more powerful than ever. All the rich features you’ve been asking for are all here. And finally, it can be well integrated with your Gmail account. Believe it or not, there are still people who use Yahoo as their main email account. Others use it together with Gmail.

You need to open each email account separately but with the latest update, you are free to connect your Google Apps/Gmail account to Yahoo Mail. No need to go out of a particular app or inbox just to check or search for something because you can do it right inside Yahoo.

You can just leave the Yahoo Mail open and receive messages coming in to your Gmail. You are also free to do anything with any email like mark as read, delete, move, or actually compose a new one and send from any account you want to us. It’s something that other apps or Gmail can already do but within Yahoo Mail, it’s the first time that it’s allowed and with no premium price.

Most of the features on Yahoo Mail can also be used once Gmail is integrated including smarter search, password-free ‘Yahoo Account Key’, intelligent contacts manager, and quick access to contacts across mailboxes. All these and more make Yahoo Mail more relevant than ever.

It’s time that Yahoo keeps up with Gmail. It may not totally take on Google’s successful email service but it sure can keep up with, or if not, at least support Gmail.

SOURCE: Yahoo Tumblr



  1. Seeing that Yahoo mail is 1000 times worse then Gmail, and most of the stuff yahoo made lately is barely functional. Why on earth would i give up on the gmail app…


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