There’s the usual dilemma, getting files from one device to another seamlessly (read: without that much hassle, wirelessly), or integrating all your links, images, and even messages – and allowing you to interact, communicate, and get access to all of them whether you’re on your PC, laptop, or Android mobile device. Seems like a pipe dream, eh? Apple has already started to remedy this in iOS, by giving you a sort of connection from laptop to mobile, but there seems to be no real major player yet to do this for Android. Maybe this new “Join” app can do it?
The new Join app was made by “joaomgcd” – the guy behind the automated Tasker plugins we’ve talked about here before. But this new app is NOT a Tasker plugin, this is a standalone app. What does it do? Basically, it attempts to “bring all your devices together and easily exchange anything between them.” By “anything”, the developer means files, images, documents, links, even clip tray items between your devices. See the video below.
Among the things you can do on the beta app – and remember this is a beta app, so there are bound to be bugs and stuff in it – paste your PC clipboard item onto your Android device and vice versa, send SMS messages from your PC, send links from one device to another connected device, send files from one device to another connected device – you get the idea, right?
For a full list of what the app can do, check out the source link below. If you want the beta of the Join app, you can pick up the app and the Chrome extension via the source link as well. Let us know what you think about it in the comments section.
SOURCE: Joao Apps
Ok, how is it different from Pushbullet? Only that it’s a standalone PC app, rather than chrome plugin?