If you’ve gotten used to favoriting tweets, either so you won’t forget them, to read the post/link later, or to just show that you like the tweet, well now you have to get used to a sort of different thing now. Twitter has announced that the star is now being replaced by the heart, which seems to be something being done to cater to “new users” who may not really understand the significance of the former but may relate to the latter.

The heart as a “like” is being used already on Periscope, where users have this fun experience of seeing hearts floating on their screens while doing the live broadcast. Twitter is now adapting this idea, even though we all know that starring something isn’t always considered a like, as discussed earlier. Aside from it now being a heart, they are making it official and calling it a like.

Not everyone is of course pleased with this new development from Twitter. There was a lot of backlash over the move of course, with comedians, critics, and haters having a field day on, well, still, Twitter. The sentiment seems to be that Twitter obviously doesn’t understand their market and that they need to catch up with What Facebook is doing, bringing more options for users to express themselves.

So what’s with the change? In a message on Twitter, Akarshan Kumar shared that this is for the new users so that they won’t be confused as to what the start represents. The heart is a universal language for liking something, so they’re hoping that this would be better in the long run.

SOURCE: Twitter


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