Jealous of those intelligent bulbs that you see advertised in tech shows or news? Want to have a smartbulb of your own without having to rob a bank? Get ready to put some color into your life, almost literally, with ilumi’s LED smartbulb. Glowing in any color of your choosing, this smartphone controlled bulb can be the life of the party, set the mood for a romantic evening, or simply get your eyes and mind ready for bedtime. All for less than $50 a pop.
Unlike most “serious” smart bulbs in the market, ilumi’s is designed to splash color all around. The accompanying smartphone app lets you choose from almost a million colors of different hues and saturation. Set it to your mood or set it to everyone’s, the Bluetooth smartbulb is ready to spread the light.
And while most smart bulbs let you schedule when they turn on or off, ilumi’s goes the extra mile. It can be programmed to do more than just that, pulsating to the beat of the music, or even following you, turning itself on or off when you enter or leave the room.
As the name clearly states, the ilumi smart bulb works with Bluetooth Low Energy and doesn’t require a Wi-Fi connection. It is compatible with any Android device running Android 4.3 or higher, as long as the hardware support Bluetooth 4.0. Normally $90, the 45 percent discount lets you get one ilumi Bluetooth Smartbulb for only $49. But why settle for one, when you can turn your room, even your house, into one psychedelic club.
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