Mobile hotspots are becoming more and more a necessity than a want, and since battery problems are always an issue for our smartphones, using it as a wifi hotspot is out of the question. That is why carriers are coming out with actual mobile hotspots that can connect a lot of your devices and gadgets. And it’s not just the major carriers getting in on the action, but even 3rd-party brands as well, like Boost Mobile.

No-contract WiFi Hotspot plans are now available with Boost Mobile. You only need to pay $25 a month for 1.5GB. That doesn’t seem much, especially if you’re a heavy data user. They also have the $50 a month plan which will bring you 10GB. Again, maybe that is too low if you stream a lot of Netflix shows on the go, and that will probably just last you a few days.

But if you’re a regular user, and one that just streams videos when you’re home, then that data should last you a month, or just almost. The device that comes with this plan from Boost Mobile is the NETGEAR Fuse which allows up to 10 devices to connect to it. It has a 2500mAh battery that should last you about 10 hours and a 1.77-inch LCD Display which should tell you which devices are connected to you currently.

Just a word of warning though. If you remember, Boost Mobile is a subsidiary of one of the major carriers that a lot of people have been complaining about. So they most probably will be using the network’s 4G LTE connection. That should be something to think about first.

VIA: SlashGear


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