If you thought this site was great before, wait until you see the big fat changes we’ve got coming your way in the very near future! We’re getting extra pumped up for Mobile World Congress 2011, and that’s smack dab in the middle of next month, so our new and improved total Android immersion update will be coming very soon! What will it consist of?
For starters, we’re tearing down our discussion forums and rebuilding them from the ground up. That doesn’t mean the time and effort you’ve spent in the community there will be wasted, no way! It just means that every bit of content we’ve got archived in the forums will be better organized and the conversations will flow like a well oiled robot!
Next, as you might be aware, we’ve begun working with our commenting system in-post here in the main news feed. You’re now able to both reply to another commenter’s comment and thumb up-or-down comments as you see fit. Soon this commenting system will be threaded in with the discussion forums system to create one single massively diverse conversation so that we might grow in as productive a manner as possible!
With this community improvement comes a greater integration between here and both Twitter and Facebook, and since we know you love free stuff, we’ve got a bunch of tiny (and sometimes giant) contests coming up! Win Android-related gear, gift certificates, and tech via your number one location for comprehensive, speedy, and quality assured coverage.
Our Android Community app is next on the docket – already a free download with absolutely no ads upon it, it’s slated for its own improvements. The Android Community app (available in the Android Marketplace now,) is on its way to becoming fully integrated with both the community in the discussion forums and the main news feed, all inside a lovely easy-to-use package.
Keep your claws out of your kneecaps and be on the lookout for giant upgrades to the AC world – all for the greater goodness of you and the open source community!
Stay tune! We’ve got an amazing year in store for our members and visitors!