Runtastic Leg Workout Trainer 5

Perhaps there are thousands of apps related to health and fitness that it’s now a challenge to choose one that will provide solutions to all your needs. For those who want to focus on working out or tuning their legs, the Runtastic Leg Workout Trainer is for you. The app offers easy avatar trainer guides you can follow.

The avatar guide will teach you steps in easy-to-follow exercise videos in HD. The time is now to achieve that dream body of yours. No more excuses because there’s an app for that. Seriously, anything you can think of or imagine, there’s an app available. You have no reason not to get active and moving because there are several apps that can make you get up, move, run, dance, and work out–or just about anything related to fitness and exercise.

The Runtastic Leg Workout Trainer app features workouts that are tailored to individual fitness levels and needs. You can strengthen your leg with this app as long as you follow each and every step. Angie is you workout trainer. She’s an avatar that stars in more than 50 video tutorials in HD.

Squat and lunge to tone and define your calves and thighs. The app features step-by-step instructions by Angie. There are a variety of leg exercises to choose from or customize. There are Pilates Legs, Lunden’s Leg, and 7-Minute Workouts among others. The plans are scientific and include a three-level training plan with elements that can be personalized.

It’s a runner’s workout so no special equipment are required. You can tone your legs and define muscles just by following Angie’s movements. When you access the app, you will also see more than 50 unique “Tips of the Day”. Easy-to-follow instructions are available in many different languages aside from English: Japanese, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Italian.

Download Runtastic Leg Workout Trainer from the Google Play Store


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