Are you bored with your life right now? Are you up to battling seven serpents and encountering various creatures that may or may not kill you? Do you need some sort of epic adventure without necessarily leaving your couch? Well, then mobile games are the answer to your problems, and this latest one from the creators of award-winning game 80 Days is a doozy. Get ready to cast some spells in Sorcery! 3.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to play Parts 1 and 2 of this game based on the Steve Jackson Sorcery! series, although it might help. This installment, you are going through the land of Kakhabad, guarded by seven scary-ass giant serpents. The end game of this whole Socery! series is to reach the Crown of Kings, and unfortunately for you, that involves crossing through this wilderness that is “a ruined desert, a tangled forest, cruel mountains and fissures” all in one setting. You can either just fight your way through or be a little more subtle, with your spells and charms and sneakiness.

The game allows you to create your own story, because it remembers all of the choices you make, so that no game is the same. You will be able to travel through time and space as well in this game, so you can actually do-over things you weren’t satisfied with. In this installment of the series, you get 30 new enemies, including the aforementioned serpents, but also new magical spells to learn and master.

If you’ve played the two previous games, then you can just reload the characters you used there or if it’s the first time you’ve played, then you can create an all-new character from scratch. Of course you know that a game this intricate and this open will cost you a bit. You can buy Sorcery! 3 from the Google Play STore for $4.99, all-in with no in-app purchases needed/available.

SOURCE: Gama Sutra


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