Google is looking at some changes in the way Google Now – that funky search project from the mothership – interacts with apps. They are looking at opening up an API so that app developers can work Google Now into their code and have Google Now access data from apps and app usage as well.
That sounded like a lot of gobbledygook, but Aparna Chennapragada, Director of Product Management for Google Now, is a bit excited about it. Chennapragada revealed that with this in place, Google Now will now be able to search for information from more apps that you use, and not just the ones allowed by Google.
That is some curious stuff, as you know that the logic behind Google Now is to have it “predict” user patterns – like what sites you go to, what things you search for, what food you search for with Google – and provide suggestions for you based on your patterns. From here Google Now can add individual app usage data to also suggest information from apps you use.
Google started out with Google Now by simply allowing the app to “guess” what would be useful for the user. Chennapragada revealed that this new movement is based on data from surveying users – asking them what type of information they would find helpful at that particular moment. This identified the movement where Google is moving towards with Google Now. We hope to see this feature come up soon.
VIA: The Next Web