If you live in a country that has reasonable to great Internet connection and if you have a smartphone or tablet, chances are, you don’t get your news from an actual newspaper or even from the TV set anymore. Digital news readers are the item du jour, at least when it comes to people who want to keep abreast of all that is happening in the digital and real world.

However, with so many websites and sources scattered all over the interwebs, getting a news reader that will help you make sense and sort through the rubble can be a challenge. Google Reader, the reader of choice for a lot of people back then, went bye bye and so people trooped to Feedly, Flipboard, Zite, etc. Paperboy News Reader went the “indie” route, starting out small and then slowly gathering momentum, until it’s now popular with people who want a minimalist, no-frills app that uses the Feedly API and can sync with your existing feeds as well.

Aside from your Feedly feeds, it also looks at your Facebook and Twitter accounts to see what is trending among your contacts and also on personalized recommendations. You can either choose to read a quick summary of articles, read the actual articles, or share it with someone or through your social networks, just like other news readers. One great thing about Paperboy is that it goes into a semi-immersive mode when you start reading a specific article, removing distractions and giving you great readability through “concise typography”.

The current incarnation of Paperboy has the simplicity of Material Design, as well as small but great features (sensor-driven images, swipe-controlled brightness settings) that makes it easy and a joy to read your news. You can download Paperboy News Reader from the Google Play Store for free.

SOURCE: XDA Developers



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