While there are still a lot of people around the Android world thinking if their device will ever get a taste of Lollipop flavors, Google is steadily chugging along and moving forward with Android Lollipop. Android has released another update to the new(ish) OS, coming out with Android 5.1 and bringing with it some sweet new features.
Android 5.1 brings with it new features in the shape of multiple SIM card support, the much awaited Device Protection feature, and HD (high definition) voice calls for compatible models. Support for multiple SIMs is Google’s way of legitimizing what has been the trend for years now in Europe and Asia, where most people think of dual-SIM support in a device as a legitimate feature.
Device Protection is long overdue, with Android lagging behind iOS devices (Apple ID) in these circumstances. Now lost or stolen devices will remain locked until the owner signs in with the connected Google account. The lock will still be active even when the device is reset to factory settings. Pretty cool. Lastly, HD voice calling is now activated by default for those devices who have this capability.
Typically, it will be the Nexus line of products who will be getting these first. Factory images and binaries are available, for the Nexus 5, Nexus 7 (both 2012 and WiFi versions), and the Nexus 10. There are also available updates for T-Mobile’s Nexus devices – the Nexus 4, the Nexus 5, and the Nexus 7 (2013).
As much as the rest of the world are still struggling to get Lollipop onto their devices, this comes as a fresh new update for Android 5.x. The new features are both exciting and essential, if executed correctly – which we expect Android to do so. Watch out for Android 5.1 as it begins to roll out to other devices as well, maybe even yours.
SOURCE: Android
They need to do an update to disable forced encryption.. My nexus 6 sucks ass and lags because of this.
I don’t know if its because of forced encryption, but my T-Mobile nexus 6 also sucks ass
I’ve read that seems to be an issue with our phones. I love this phone and everything about it..besides that it lags…bad. There is a workaround, but I haven’t really looked into it yet.
Backup, unlock, root, format data, unencrypted, restore.
Helps a little, but still lags on gaming, which is kind of the reason I bought it. Ya know, qhd, 3gb ram, 5.96″ screen. Spec sheet makes it seem ideal for mobile gaming, but the nexus heads tell me I should’ve got a different phone if I want to game. This phone is apparently meant only for developers to develope on… *sigh*
Exactly. My oneplus still blows this phone out of the water
this can probably be solved by software, I have activated encryption on my Optimus G Pro and it is still pretty fast
Just requires flashing a new boot.img with the encryption enabled. I’m sure encryption with other devices works fine but for some reason it kills the nexus 6
My nexus 6 is unencrypted and it stilllllll sllloooowweewe
Well shit.. Maybe I’ll return this phone then.
From what I read, all the memory leaks and lag and sound issues and poor battery life will be fixed through software updates. And maybe I’m being too hard, but its just aggravating. Ya know, this isn’t a $250 nexus 5. They’re charging premium price for this one. You would think with all these new software and new phone problems, they would push out a couple of updates by now, and got the problems squashed.
That’s what is really disappointing.. There haven’t been any updates for it..and if disabling encryption doesn’t even fix this problem that’s really disheartening. Maybe we have defective devices? I’ve heard some nexus 6’s run fine.. Who knows.
This is bullshit. No mention of when the 6 is getting support? Wtf did I spend $650.00 for? I could’ve stayed with a Note (as much as I hate them-fuck Touchwiz) and gotten better sorry ass support.
I hope this update fixes the many problems with crashes, and battery power. I have been waiting for this 5.1 fix. If my Nexus 4 still acts up with 5.1, I am going to switch back to the extremely stable and easy to use/understand 4.4.
I hate the 5.1. My email is gone, refuses to open. My phone call screen blinks on and off while calling anyone. My screen won’t rotate when it dosnt feel like it. I lost a bunch of contacts during the switch from KitKat to lollipop. I wish I could uninstall:/ These are just a few of the problems too. FIX IT!!!!