The Internet giant will only continue to make things better for us. We don’t need to list down the numerous products and services Google has offered the past decade because there are a lot. Even the name Google has become a verb which means to “search for information on the Internet”. Need this or that? Google it. Whenever you need information on a certain illness, disease, or symptoms, do you call a doctor immediately? No, you Google it. That’s how Google has changed the horizon of health information.
Problem is, not everything you see on the Google search results pages are accurate. And sadly, there are a number of websites that are obviously splashed with Google Ads ($$$$$!). Google has added a new way to learn more about common health problems on the Knowledge Graph. In the next few days, medical facts and more information will come from the Knowledge Graph section from.
Knowledge Graph will show information such as symptoms and treatments and more details like if a diseases is contagious or critical, or what ages it affects. Some medical conditions and illnesses will even show illustrations from licensed medical illustrators. The information you can read on the Knowledge Graph are expected to help you with research and know what questions to ask a doctor when you finally go for a checkup.
According to Prem Ramaswami, Product Manager in Google, they’ve worked with a team of medical doctors led by Dr. Kapil Parakh, M.D., MPH, Ph.D.. This group compiled, curated, and review all information carefully to provide real-life clinical knowledge. This means whatever you view on Knowledge Graph are accurate and are based on facts–checked by the Mayo Clinic and Google’s very own medical doctors.
Google reminds us that the information you read on Knowledge Graph are not intended as medical advice. You still need to check with a doctor if you have symptoms or are sick. Don’t self-medicate. Knowledge Graph only provides information. It still won’t replace your doctor so always consult with a professional.
Google will roll out health information in the Knowledge Graph in English and in the United States initially. Check your Google app for medical and health concerns and you’ll see Knowledge Graph showing the information that could help–not cure.
SOURCE: Google