Efficient multitasking will soon come to mobile devices as a new solution was introduced by XDA-recognized developer astoncheah. The developer made an app as a solution for Android without the need of a custom ROM.
Multitasking on desktop is becoming quicker and more efficient these days but it’s only now the mobile version has been introduced as a potential hit on Android. There may be many attempts in the past to bring better multitasking on an Android mobile device but astoncheah’s program, called the C-Floating, now allows the mobile user to open apps in floating windows. The apps have been designed to hover an opened app to also allow interaction on multi apps at a given time.
The C-Floating solution enables widgets to be added to the floating panes. Monitoring and statistical tools like battery stats and RAM can also be added to the said panes. The app allows a different style of Android Windows and Multitasking Experience–on a whole new level. Add a 3rd party widget, monitor system information effectively, perform quick actions, and float on top of any apps. Regular features include Floating Shortcuts, Floating Recent Apps, Floating Block Screen, and Floating Tables which indicate the battery info, CPU status, RAM info, and Network Data Traffic.
C Floating app is available for download from the Google Play Store. App is free but be prepared for possible in-app purchases for Floating Charts, Floating Widgets, and Floating Shortcuts.
Download C Floating from the Google Play Store.
Coming soon to IOS10
Report from XDA seem to say this doesn’t work very well