Pontiflex is a New York based ad startup company just entering the mobile market with its AppLeads advertising system. AppLeads has been available for the iPhone for a few weeks now, but its ready for release on the Android platform. When asked about their Android plans, Zephrin Lasker the CEO of Pontiflex stated that Android is more important in the mobile advertising space, and they’re happy to finally hit Android.
The reasoning behind his statement is the ease of use of incorporating their advertisements into any application. To insert an ad on the iOS platform, developers need to insert and then resubmit the application to Apple. The beauty of Android is developers can add the code into their app and have it functioning within a few short hours.
AppLeads is quite different than other advertising methods found on mobile devices. When someone opens up an app, they are shown a page with offers. From here the user can decided if they want emails or deals from the different brands listed. If a user opts in to share their information for continued interest, Pontiflex and the developer get paid.
[Via SFGate]