Social network service Reddit has been around since 2005. It’s a place where links and posts from all over the web are submitted to be shared. Members can vote “up” if a post is interesting to make it more popular or “down” if they don’t like it.
One of its more popular sections is AMA or the Ask Me Anything page where registered users can ask anyone about anything. It first started when redditors asked questions to be answered. The first AMA they posted was an interview of Adam Savage of the famous MythBusters show. From then on, the AMAs took off and expanded into different reddit communities.
The team behind Reddit recently introduced a new app for Android called Ask Me Anything, which they proudly built themselves. It’s an app where users can discover AMA (Ask Me Anything) interviews of everyone interesting. Interviews with movie stars to astronauts can be found right on the app so you can keep up with the latest news and information.
The app also allows anyone to ask a question to those who are ACTIVE on Reddit. With the app, user is also notified of trending AMAs, as well as, can see answered questions in a mobile format that is very easy to read.
As in famous Reddit fashion, you can vote up and down for questions and help prioritize the best AMA interviews and content. There are plenty of topics to choose from: Politics, Science, Entertainment, Education, Humor, Self-Improvement, and Technology among others. This allows the user to discover new personalities in any subject or field and share the content with friends.
Ask Me Anything Reddit app is now ready for download from the Google Play Store.
SOURCE: Reddit